About us adams

"The tug is the drug"

We are a club with a membership of 120 enthusiastic fly fishers of all ages and experience. What we share is a love of fly fishing for quality fish in beautiful surroundings. We have built a large number of fishing platforms and there is a serious reed management programme in place to facilitate hassle-free fishing. For casting ease, trees have been managed so as to offer easy casting. This is a natural environment so roll-casting skills are useful. Fish respond to nymphs and buzzers and, on their day, lures too are effective. In addition to stocked rainbow trout, fishers will also see wild-bred brown trout and also coarse fish from previous stockings of the lake. Only rainbow trout can be retained.  We are a club limited to 120 members.

The club house is basic but comfortable with an opportunity to take the weight off your feet and enjoy a chat with fellow members. We are planning BBQs and in-club competitions from time to time.

Members of the public are very welcome to share the network of paths which crisscross the area although we ask that dogs are kept on lead and certainly out of the water.

The club house is protected by CCTV and a neighbourhood watch scheme is in operation throughout the fishery.

In brief, the rules are:

  • All brown trout and coarse fish will be returned
  • Barbless hooks only
  • Bag limit of 1 fish per day, up to 20 inches in length and a maximum of 10 per year.
  • Life jackets MUST be worn while afloat.
  • For full rules go  Here
